Uses of Interface

Packages that use IProcess

Uses of IProcess in commands

Classes in commands that implement IProcess
 class cat
          Concatenates files (defined by the arguments) to the standard output, whereas the argument "-" represents the standard input.
 class cd
          implentation of the CD command
 class date
          Prints the current date.
 class echo
          Prints given input.
 class exit
          Terminates the shell in which it was run.
 class grep
          Searches the files given by the input arguments for a specific pattern.
 class kill
          Terminates one or more processes according to the given PIDs.
 class login
          Implementation of the LOGIN command.
 class ls
 class man
          Prints help for specified command.
 class ps
          Prints all running processes.
 class pwd
          Prints the current directory.
 class shell
          Starts a new shell.
 class shutdown
          Terminates the system by terminating the root process.

Uses of IProcess in kernel

Classes in kernel that implement IProcess
 class AbstractProcess
          Instance of process