Uses of Class

Packages that use AppException

Uses of AppException in commands

Methods in commands that throw AppException
 void grep.realization()
          Realizes the GREP command.
 void shutdown.realization()
          Realizes the SHUTDOWN command.
 void kill.realization()
          Realizes the KILL command.
 void ls.realization()
          implentation of the ls command
 void cd.realization()
          Realizes the CD command.
 void exit.realization()
 void man.realization()
 void echo.realization()
 void date.realization()
 void pwd.realization()
 void ps.realization()
 void login.realization()
          Realizes the LOGIN command.
 void shell.realization()
          Realizes the SHELL command.
 void cat.realization()
          Realizes the CAT command.

Uses of AppException in kernel

Methods in kernel that throw AppException
 void IProcess.realization()
          Wants implementation of realization method
Method for overriding by commands classes